history of d'Strangeris

saya menjadi tau bermain Drum dan menadi Drummer bermula pada.....
saat bulan Januari panitia Paskah (kelas 11) memberitahukan bahwa Paskah nanti ada lomba Band Cewe.
dan saat itu kls kami (kls 11B) belum mempunyai Band Cewe..
dan para cowo (Andrew, Bryan, Rico, Yehez, Yosh [d'Stranger]) mulai mencari siapa yang pantas untuk menjadi anggota Band Cewe nanti ..

dan mulailah suara-suara yang mencetuskan nama-nama calon anggota Band Cewe..
ada yang blg 'dia' 'dia' 'dia' ..
akhirnya klo tdk slh Yehes menuliskan nama anggota yg telah mrk pilih di papan tulis.
bahwa : Anggun: bassist
             Mutiara: Melodist
             Miristika: Rhythmist
             Pinkan: Pianist
nahh, pada saat itu belum ditentukan siapa yang akan menjadi Vocalist dan Drummer..
karena di klas kami 11B, cewe-cewe ga ada yang tau main Drum..
pertama Echa mencalonkan diri menjadi Drummer.
Yehes berkata "bagiman kalo Michelle jo?"
aku yang pada saat itu sedang bercerita dgn Avi(klo tdk slh) terkejut, tp Stay cool ..
dan akhirnya diputuskan lah ,,
bahwa : Fenessa : Vocalist
             Michelle : Drummer

dan beberapa saat kemudian (kira-kira hari)
d'Stranger berkata, gimana klo mulai latihan dari skarang (Januari) ..
dan kami pun latihan di temani d'Stranger yang adalah COACH kami sendiri ..
latihan pertama kami di Edelweis(klo nda slh tulis nama), dari mulai saya yg tersesat jln kesana !!
pada hari Jumat(saya ingat skali) kami latihan pertama kali,
yang lain sudah tau memainkan alat musik mereka, sdgkn saya Tidak Tau Apa-Apa !!
dan coach saya Bryan membantu saya untuk blajar dibantu dengan d'Stranger lainnnya juga..
saya blajar dan akhirnya mulai bisa..
dan pada bulan Februari saya membeli Stick Drum saya yang pertama..
dan saya mulai blajar di rumah!!

hari-hari berlalu.
tidak terasa tinggal sebulan kami akan tampil.
tapi latihan kami belum selesai krn lagu wajib "Kami Perlu Kau Tuhan" blm bisa kami mainka dgn sempurna..
krn jarangnya kami latihan bersama.
akhirnya kami pun sempat putus asa dan hampir membatalkan keikut sertaan kami..
karna, pada saat latihan Echa tdk pernah datang krn tugas Pelayananya.
akhirnya kami setuju untuk mengganti Nia menjadi Vocalist kami yang baru !!
kami latihan di Getza pada bulan akhir sebelum tampil.
tapi lagu wajib kami blm juga sempurna, mlh kami blm punya lagu yg ke2..
akhirnya di putuskan lagu "Sungguh Nyata" mjd lagu pilihan kami..
kami latihan, dan terus latihan krn tau saingan kami sudah melebihi kami !!.
d'Stranger pun berusaha agar kami bisa percaya diri dan menang nantinya.

pada saat satu minggu sebelum acara Paskah,
saya memutuskan utk tdk ikut ke Klabat(tempat acara Paskah)..
saya bilang "cari jo drummer lain, msh byk yg punya potensi di klas".
dan Hesky blg : "masa bagitu, iko jo kwa Michelle, percuma dang trg latihan slama ini, doi latihan tabuang percuma"
Bryan : "hii. nohh, percuma dang ada se latihan slama ini kong nda jd tampil, trg so buang2 tenaga for se latihan pa nni (dlm hatiku: yg bkg qt jd main di lagu itu Hesky, Ndru dg Rico tau.. nn jrng se latihan sllu drg yg tau tape slek dimana...)

dan dua hari sebelum acara Paskah,
saya dan d'Strangeris lainnya (oyah.. nama d'Strangeris krn d'Stranger. kami fersi cewe2, mrk cowo2) memutuskan untuk ikut dalam acara Paskah di Klabat..
sehari sebelumnya kami latihan di tempat yang berbeda saya lupa namanya.
dan kami sudah mantap..

keesokan hari saat acara Paskah.
kami semua sudah di Klabat di Greja Imanuel Klabat.
acara demi acara sudah terisi dan saat jam kira jam 3 lewat, diumumkan bahwa lomba Band Cewe akan segera di mulai.
dan saya SHOCK tidak 7UJUH ..
dan kami ke samping Gereja dan berdoa meminta pertolongan Tuhan.
dan saya pun mulai MENANGIS (pst pada tau alasannya)
saya tidak mampu menhan air mata, dan menangis slama Inersia bermain.
saya menangis karena GUGUP takut Salah.
tapi teman-teman saya 11B menghibur saya, dan mengatakan "Michelle pasti bisa"
dan mereka menguatkan saya..
dan saat Nama Band kami di sebut, saya deg-degan.
saat sedang duduk di kursi Panas(Drum) saya melihat sekeliling saya banyak skali orang, saya sangat takut saya salah memukul Drum dan akan mengeluarkan suara yang lari dan musiknya.
saya, menyuruh Muti dan Anggun utk menutupi saya di blakang agar tak terlihat orang.
dan pada saat akan di mulai Andrew duduk di tangga mimbar dan memberikan kode ke saya, dimana saya harus memukul Drum (curang sihh, mar salah2 noh).. Bryan dan Rico pun turut membantu saya dari tempat mereka berdiri !!
kami membawakan lagu pertama, tapi saya kurang menikmatinya krn saya tdk merasa puas dgn lagu Slow.
dan saat lagu ke2 saya merasa bersemangat dan menjadi Pede..

akhirnya lagu ke2 pun berakhir.
dan menandakan bahwa waktu untuk kami bermain telah selesai.
saat pengumuman kami diberitahu bahwa kami juara "2"
walaupun juara 2 kami puas dapat memberikan yang terbaik.
dari saat latihan yang kadang-kadang suka berantem, kisah2 sedih saat latihan sampai kisah2 gembira saat latihan.
buat saya ini pengalaman terbesar dalam hidup saya.
saya bisa bermain Drum. dan skarang saya sudah mulai Skill bermain Drum (so tau bage Symbal kapan, dulu nintau skrg so tau..)
itulah kisah kami..
dan inilah foto-foto d'Strangeris saat menantikan Lomba Paskah

saat latihan kami di Getza. ^^

saat Andrew mengajarkan saya bermain^^ .


ini saat tampil di Klabat^^

foto-foto lain sebenarnya ada banyak.
tapi yang lain blm bisa di tampilkan krna saya tdk tau siapa2 saja yg mempunyai foto kami..

Betwicerz at Thessu Birthday

sebenarnya, Thessu pe ultah pas hari Slasa tgl 24 November 2010..
cuma, dia blg bkng hari Sabtu jo di Wahaha.. (30 November 2010) !!
inilah foto hasil jepretan kami di Wahaha ..

ini adalah kami semua yang datang di acaranya Thessu ^^

thanks to Josh for the lovely picture..

sixth beautiful ladies.

kami adalah orang2 yg pertama kali dtg, sebelum pindah ke meja sblah krn hujan !!

kami tidak ingin pulang ^^

salad dan pudding dan cake 'tart' nya ENAK ..

3 OH! 3 ft Ke$ha - My First Kiss (Lyrics)

My first kiss went a little like this
And twist
-kiss kiss-
And twist

Well my first kiss went a little like this
And twist
-kiss kiss-
And twist

I said no more teachers
And no more books
I got a kiss under the bleachers
Hoping that nobody looks
Lips like licorice
Tongue like candy
Excuse me miss but can I get you out your panties?

In the back of the car
On the way to the bar
I got you on my lips
(I got you on my lips)
At the foot of the stairs
With my fingers in your hair
Baby this is it

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

Well my first kiss went a little like this
I said no more sailors
And no more soldiers
With your name in a heart
Tattooed up on their shoulders
Your kiss is like whiskey
It gets me drunk
And I wake up in the morning with the taste of your tongue

In the back of the car
On the way to the bar
I got you on my lips
(I got you on my lips)
At the foot of the stairs
With my fingers in your hair
Baby this is it

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

My first kiss went a little like this
And twist
-kiss kiss-
And twist

Well my first kiss went a little like this
And twist
-kiss kiss-
And twist


She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

She won't ever get enough
Once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say

Mika - Love Today (Lyrics)

Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di

Everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love

I've been crying for so long
Fighting tears just to carry on
But now, but now it's gone away

Hey girl, why can't you carry on?
Is it 'cause you're just like your mother?
Little tyke, like to tease for fun?
Well, you ain't gonna tease no other
Gonna make you a lover

Everybody's gonna love today, love today, love today
Everybody's gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love

Girl in a groove with the big bust on
Big bust on, big bust on
Wait till your mother and your papa's gone, papa's gone
Momma, momma papa
Shock shock me, shock shock me, shock shock

Said everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
I said everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love

Carolina sits on ninety-five
Give her a dollar and she'll make you smile
Hooker, what a looker, walk away!

Carry dresses like a kid for fun
Licks her lips like they're something other
[From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/mika-lyrics/love-today-lyrics.html ]
Tries to tell you life has just begun
But you know she's getting something other
Than the love from her mother

Everybody's gonna love today, love today, love today
Everybody's gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love

Girl in a groove with the big bust on
Big bust on, big bust on
Wait till your mother and your papa's gone, papa's gone
Momma, momma papa
Shock shock me, shock shock me, shock shock

I said everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
I said everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love

Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doo doo, da-di da-di, doo doo, da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di

Everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love

Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doo doo, da-di da-di, doo doo, da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di

Eminem ft Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (Lyrics)

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
Love the way you lie

I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight all I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight

High off on love, drunk from my hate
It's like I'm huffin' paint and I love it
The more I suffer, I suffocate
Right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates
Me, she fuckin' hates me, and I love it, Wait!
Where you going? I'm leaving you.
No you ain't. Come back. We're running right back

Here we go again, it's so insane
Cuz when it's going good, it's going great
I'm Superman with the wind in his back
She's Lois Lane
and when it's bad, it's awful
I feel so ashamed, I snap "Who's that dude?"
I don't even know his name
I laid hands on him, I never stood so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

You ever love somebody so much,
you could barely breathe when you with 'em?
You meet, and neither one of you even know it hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah them chills you still get 'em
Now you gettin' fuckin' sick of lookin' at 'em
You swore you'd never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit 'em
You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments when you're with 'em

Mr .(?). is the culprit ..(?)..
Shawty say, you'd best to go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya cuz today,
That was yesterday, yesterday is over and it's a different day
Sound like broken records playing over
But you promised her, next time you'd show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo Game
but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it "window pane"

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear my cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean
And we fall back into the same patterns, same team
But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me
When it comes to love you're just as blinded

Baby please come back, it wasn't you. Baby it was me.
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much, to walk away now
Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk?
I told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall
Next time? There won't be no next time
I apologize, even though I know it's lies
I'm tired of the games, I just want her back. I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fuckin' leave again,
Ima tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
Just gonna

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear my cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

U Smile

I'd wait on you forever and a day
Hand and foot
Your world is my world
Ain't no way you're ever gon' get
Any less than you should
Cause baby
You smile I smile 
Cause whenever
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey

Your lips, my biggest weakness
Shouldn't have let you know
I'm always gonna do what they say 

If you need me
I'll come running
From a thousand miles away

When you smile I smile 
You smile I smile

Baby take my open heart and all it offers
Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get
You ain't seen nothing yet
I won't ever hesitate to give you more
Cause baby 
You smile I smile 
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
Make me smile baby

Baby you won't ever work for nothing
You are my ins and my means now
With you there's no in between
I'm all in
Cause my cards are on the table
And I'm willing and I'm able
But I fold to your wish
Cause it's my command
Hey hey hey

You smile I smile 
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile

adress bar

Michelle Alexandra. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

About Me

Foto Saya
Michelle Alexandra
i have a Dream, and you're is my Dream.
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Foto Saya
Michelle Alexandra
Jakarta, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
i have a Dream, and you're is my Dream.
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